I can’t start the GTR Bot?

Starting the bot


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

If you tried to start a new GTR Bot session and it was unsuccessful, you should have received detailed notification as to why. Possible causes could be any of the following:

- Your balance in your Binance account wallet is below than the minimum amount to start (1000.00 USDT at least). Deposit to Binance to start it.

- You haven't added / configured your API settings. Add your API in the correct way to start it.

- Your payment deadline has passed. Charge the monthly price to start it. Click Here to Charge It Now

- You don’t have GTR Bot credit. You have to make payment to start it.

- Your account status is unverified. You should verify your account before start it.

- Within 2 minutes, you had clicked the Start button. Please try again after few minutes.

- You have already have a running GTR Bot session in selected market type. You can only have one.

- Another technical error may have occurred. Please try again after 3 minutes.